How to Help Your Cat Avoid Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease is one of the more common illnesses impacting cats, affecting as many as 20% of all cats and 30% of cats aged 10 or older. And while there is no way to guarantee that your ca...
New Cat Parents Guide - 7 Things Your Kitten Needs
Many new cat parents feel lost before getting a kitten, and they don't know where to start from; even people that had cats before can feel a bit nervous when they are getting a new cat or even more...
The Importance of Playing for Cats
Cats evolved from solitary hunters, who used to spend the whole day looking for prey. And now, they spend most of their life sleeping on our couch and eating with...
Why Does Your Cat Hate Drinking Water?
Many pet parents must have faced this knotty problem that their cats do not like to drink water. Dehydration would occur to your cats if they do not drink enough water to satisfy the daily needs. A...
How Do You Help A Cat Lose Weight
An estimated 60% of all cats in the U.S. are packing too many pounds. The consequences include increased risks of diseases and the possibility of a shorter lifespan. Here are 8 things you should do...